
How to Unfriend Facebook Friends in Bulk/Mass

Facebook is the biggest social networking platform and you make it more by creating your heavy profile friends list. Usually in a day a person normally adds 3 to 4 friends a day and this list simply goes on well there is obviously a limit of adding 5000 friends in a profile so you cannot exceed that limit but sometimes you need someone to be added than others and removing friends in Facebook is a pretty hard deal so we found an interesting userscript which can do this job like that.FacebookDeletes is the userscript for chrome and Firefox ( well for Firefox you will needGreasemonkey installed ) which does this job really easily, just installing it and giving it a command for deleting your whole bunch of friends list.
So after you will install this userscript you just need to visit the Facebook Friends Page where you will see all your friends just click that downwards arrow like above and you will see that page like above in the image.
Now you can just click on Highlight Only which will automatically mark your friends on that page and than you can click on Delete all Except selected and than your friends will start deleting. They also have a option to delete your friends just from the groups you have created well you can figure everything when you will have that script installed.

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2 Response to "How to Unfriend Facebook Friends in Bulk/Mass"

  1. Vinay Singh says:
    9 October 2012 at 06:17

    If differs from other desktop texting software which relies on an Internet SMS gateway. Instead, use your existing mobile phone, GSM modem or cellular terminal and connect it to the computer.

    Email Blast

  2. Danish says:
    14 December 2012 at 09:35

    I found a facebook application which is namely as Bootcha. Link is

    I really impressed by this application because it provides Unfriended friend notification on my mobile, email and personally wallpost.

    Not only Unfriended Notification, it also provides me Bithday, Cyber Bullies and many more options.

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